The year 2022 was another packed and busy year for GEM, with the release of the updated Africa Exposure Model, partnerships with RMS, Allianz and the launch of Atlas 1.0 - a new and easier way of accessing seismic hazard and risk information jumpstarting the first quarter and setting the tone for the rest of the year.
GEM successfully completed the USAID-supported TREQ project, delivering and sharing all the results aimed at contributing to the understanding of earthquake risk at the urban/city levels. In the project, we worked closely with local partners and scientists to develop the capacity for urban earthquake hazard and risk assessment in Latin America, and to produce training, educational, and communication materials for a better understanding of earthquake risk.
On the heels of the successful completion of the TREQ project, the last quarter featured the launch of a new GEM-USAID Project: Forecasting and Communicating Earthquake Hazard and Risk (FORCE). FORCE aims to strengthen the capacities and understanding of small communities to manage and respond to future earthquake risk.
GEM worked with its partners on several events covering earthquake hazard and risk research and application topics: Safehub- The Future of Catastrophe Risk Management; Geoscience Australia- The Global Earthquake Model: Achievements and Future Directions; Eigenrisk- Global Mosaic of Models - approaches in creating globally consistent earthquake hazard and risk models; EFEHR for the release of the European Seismic Hazard and Risk Models; and with a diverse team of GEM sponsors for the development and release of a new earthquake loss model for China.
The CAREC project, funded by ADB released 10 country risk profiles, where GEM, a member of the consortium of organizations that implemented the project from 2020-2022 provided the exposure and seismic vulnerability data as contributions to the development of disaster risk assessments and modeling in all Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Region (CAREC) countries.
GEM open Products downloads crossed the 11,000 mark as of December. In addition to this milestone, GEM has updated its Products page to better serve the needs of its stakeholders. Searching for a model has been made easier with the addition of an interactive point-and-click global map.
The OpenQuakedevelopment team released versions 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15 featuring the capability to run the new European model (ESHM20); complete vectorisation of the hazardlib and performance optimisations for classical, event-based and disaggregation calculators; and optimization of point-like sources resulting in a speedup from 1.5 to 50 times, and many other performance improvements. The development team also released an online user manual to help support users with updated information about the OQ engine.
In the spirit of DRR Day, GEM shared through social media and other online platforms the seismic risk assessment reports for the cities of Cali, Quito and Santiago de los Caballeros to help increase availability of and access to disaster risk information and assessments of our stakeholders in Latin America.
The Global Resilience Index Initiative (GRII) where GEM is a founding member launched the Demonstrator at COP27. The launch of the GRII demonstrator aims to provide the initial set of people, planet, and prosperity indices to guide financial decisions to scale up adaptation to natural hazard risks, particularly those affected by climate change . The GRII will be fully launched in November 2023 at COP28.
GEM released eight peer-reviewed papers on the exposure, building classification for multi-hazard risk assessment, benefit-cost analysis to support earthquake mitigation, forecasting seismic risk, risk scenarios for Latin America, and road network and hospital accessibility seismic risk assessment. See more on GEM’s Publications page.
The year was capped with the official welcome at the Governing Board meeting of new partnerships with Allianz, Aon and CelsiusPro, and sponsorship renewals from Guy Carpenter/ MarshMcLennan and Willis Towers Watson to advance collaborative risk analysis further and expand earthquake and climate risk financing options through parametric insurance.
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