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Improving Post-Disaster Damage Data Collection to Inform Decision Making

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This project, responding to a request from the World Bank for improved post-disaster damage collection, focuses on the collection of data on physical damage to assets such as buildings (residential, commercial, industrial, public), infrastructure, and crops. The aim is to evaluate the current state-of-the-art in post-disaster damage collection – in protocols, tools and systems – in order to identify a suitable protocol and toolset that could be adopted by the Government of Armenia that would be generalisable and available, allowing adoption by other national government agencies or interested parties. The GEM Foundation leads the consortium working on this project, with the GEM Risk Team undertaking the following main tasks: Review of existing protocols, tools and systems Design of a conceptual protocol and toolset Application to the context of Armenia Recommendations 

Duration: 2018


Collection of damage data following major disaster events is a fundamental exercise for a multitude of purposes, such as emergency management, resource allocation, fund mobilization and reconstruction planning. The processes involved, and scales of damage assessments vary by country, peril and context. Numerous sector-specific data collection activities provide an estimation of damage, loss and post-disaster needs in order to provide relief and facilitate the commencement of reconstruction and recovery efforts. The project includes identifying and reviewing tools for collecting data in the field as well as damage data aggregation and reporting tools. Of particular interest is the use case in Armenia, demonstrating the needs of a Ministry of Finance requiring national-level reporting of damage on a sub-national level in a transparent system that allows the user to store, retrieve and interrogate damage data down to the asset-level.


GEM Foundation, JBA Consulting, CIMA Foundation and Geocom Ltd 

Funding partner: World Bank Group



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