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Guía para profesores para el desarrollo de un curso introductorio de riesgo sísmico


User manual

Reporte sobre la guía para profesores para el desarrollo de un curso introductorio de riesgo sísmico.

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Training Manual


User manual

An example-based guide to building PSHA models using open-source data and tools.

User guide Android mobile tool for field data collection


User manual

TheGlobalEarthquakeModel(GEM)aimstoprovideasetoftoolsandmodelsforhazardandriskanalysis. ThefundamentalaimoftheGEMInventoryDataCaptureTools(IDCT)riskglobalcomponentistoprovidea set of software and accompanying user protocols toenable users to collect andmodify buildingexposure information,whichcanbeinputintotheGlobalExposureDatabaseandtheGlobalEarthquakeConsequences Database. ThisreportformstheuserguideforIDCTAndroidInventoryDataMobileTool, whichisavailablefromGoogle Play.Itdetailstheusageofthemobiletoolforsettingupdatacapture,utilisingthemapinterface,marking surveypoints,captureofbuildingattributes,exportofsurveydataandimportofofflinemapdata.

User guide Field sampling strategies for estimating building inventories


User manual

This report offersprocedures toestimate theareadistributionofbuilding typesinacommunity througha combinationofremotesensing,localexpertise,andfieldobservations.Theresultinginventorycanbeused forprobabilisticseismicriskanalysis.Thecommunityisfirstdividedintogeographicregions(referredtohere aszones)of relativelyhomogeneoususe.Theseproceduresshowhow toestimate theareadistributionof building types for one zone. One estimates the total building area in each zone by remote-sensing proceduresthatarenotdiscussedhere,andthenmultipliesbythedistributionestimatedusingthepresent procedures.Theresultisanestimateofthebuildingareaofeachbuildingtypeineachzone.Onerepeatsthe process foreachzoneinthecommunitytocreateanestimateofthebuildingareaofeachbuildingtypein thecommunity.Foursamplingstrategiesareofferedforsamplingazonedependingonwhether(a)thezone has homogeneous building heights, (b) all important building features are visible, (c) expert advice is availableonrecognizinghiddenfeatures,and(d)apriorestimatefromexpertsonbuilding-typedistribution isavailable.

User guide Geospatial tools for building footprint and homogenous zone extraction from imagery


User manual

Thisreportdescribes the tools required toextractbuildinginformation from remotely-sensed satelliteand aerialimagery.Itprovidesastep-by-stepuserguideforasetofopen-sourcesoftwaretoolsforgenerating data for the Global Exposure Database. IDCT has proposed an expansive suite of tools for inventory and damage data collection. The opens source image processing and GIS software, Quantum GIS (QGIS) and GRASS provide the core functionality for pre-processing imagery. Algorithms for automatically extracting building footprints are provided as a plug-in toolbar to QGIS. These have evolved from the Building RECognitiontool (BREC),developedbytheUniversityofPavia,andhavebeencustomisedforuseintheIDCT suite. Protocols formodifying GIS information are also provided. For regional exposure development, and generating information for use in mapping schemes, areas of homogenous land use can be manually extracted.ThiscanalsobeachievedinQGIS,howevertheuseofGoogleEarthforgeneratingthesedataare alsodescribed.

User guide Windows tool for field data collection and management


User manual

TheaimofthisreportistoprovideguidelinesfortheuseofthedigitalWindowsMobileToolsthathavebeen designedandbuilt tocollectbuildinginventorypre- andpost-earthquakeevents.Theguideinstructsusers how toinstall the software onaWindows deviceand provides step-by-stepinstructions for collectingand managingthedatathathasbeencollected. Itisexpectedthatthefieldstaffarealreadyexpertsincollectingbuildinginventory,thereforethisguidedoes notprovidesinstructionshowtorecogniseorunderstandbuildingstructuralcomponents.

End-to-end demonstration of the inventory data capture tools (IDCT)


User manual

TheGlobalEarthquakeModel(GEM)aimstoprovideasetoftoolsandmodelsforhazardandriskanalysis. ThefundamentalaimoftheGEMInventoryDataCaptureTools(IDCT)riskglobalcomponentistoprovidea set of software and accompanying user protocols toenable users to collect andmodify buildingexposure information, which can be input into the Global Exposure Database (GED) and the Global Earthquake ConsequencesDatabase.

OpenQuake engine manual


User manual

OpenQuake-engine is the seismic hazard and risk calculation software developed by the Global Earthquake Model. By following current standards in software developments like testdriven development and continuous integration, the OpenQuake-engine aims at becoming an open, and community-driven tool for seismic hazard and risk analysis.

OpenQuake engine installation guide


User manual

The OpenQuake Engine software provides calculation and assessment of seismic hazard, risk and decision-making tools via the data, methods and standards that are being developed by GEM (Global Earthquake Model) and its collaborators. The seismic hazard calculations of the OpenQuake Engine are powered by the OpenQuake Hazard Library and OpenQuake Risk Library Both libraries were built by the OpenQuake team to serve as a fast, stable, and lightweight alternative to existing risk and hazard libraries. To get involved in OpenQuake, join us on IRC ( in the #openquake channel by using an IRC client or via web at You can also submit questions, comments, or support requests to our OpenQuake users mailing list: You can find more information about the project at
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