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Development of a global seismic risk model

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Improving Post-Disaster Damage Data Collection to Inform Decision-Making Final Report

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Guía para profesores para el desarrollo de un curso introductorio de riesgo sísmico


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Reporte sobre la guía para profesores para el desarrollo de un curso introductorio de riesgo sísmico.

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Training Manual


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An example-based guide to building PSHA models using open-source data and tools.

Guidelines for Analytical Vulnerability Assessment-Low/Mid-Rise


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Guidelines (GEM-ASV) for developing analytical seismic vulnerability functions are offered for use within the framework of the Global Earthquake Model (GEM). Emphasis is on low/mid-rise buildings and cases where the analyst has the skills and time to perform non-linear analyses. The target is for a structural engineer with a Master’s level training and the ability to create simplified non-linear structural models to be able to determine the vulnerability functions pertaining to structural response, damage, or loss for any single structure, or for a class of buildings defined by the GEM Taxonomy level 1 attributes. At the same time, sufficient flexibility is incorporated to allow full exploitation of cutting-edge methods by knowledgeable users. The basis for this effort consists of the key components of the state-of-art PEER/ATC-58 methodology for loss assessment, incorporating simplifications for reduced effort and extensions to accommodate a class of buildings rather than a single structure, and multiple damage states rather than collapse only considerations.

Guidelines for component-based analytical vulnerability assessment of buildings and nonstructural elements


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A procedure is offered forthe analytical derivation ofthe seismic vulnerability of building classes, that is, probabilistic relationships between shaking and repair cost as a fraction of replacement cost new for a categoryofbuildings.Itsimulatesstructural response,damage,and repaircost for thestructuralandnonstructuralcomponents thatcontributemost toconstructioncost,and thenscalesup results toaccount for the components thatwere not simulated.It does so fora carefully selected sample of building specimens called index buildings whose designs span the domain of up to three features that are believed to most strongly influence seismic vulnerability within the building class. One uses moment matching to combine results for theindexbuildings toestimatebehaviourandvariabilityof thebuildingclass.Onecansimulate non-structuralvulnerabilityalonebyignoringdamageandrepaircostforstructuralcomponents.Theworkis written for a structural engineer with a master’s degree, skilled in structural analysis, but not necessarily experiencedinlossmodelling.

Guidelines for Empirical Vulnerability Assessment


User manual

These Guidelines provide state-of-the-art guidance on the construction of vulnerability relationships from post-earthquake survey data. The Guidelines build on and extend procedures for empirical fragility and vulnerability curve construction found in the literature, and present a flexible framework for the construction of these relationships that allows for a number of curve-fitting methods and ground motion intensity measure types (IMTs) to be adopted. The philosophy behind the design of the framework is that the characteristics of the data should determine the most appropriate statistical model and intensity measure type used to represent them. Hence, several combinations of these must be trialled in the determination of an optimum fragility or vulnerability curve, where the optimum curve is defined by the statistical model that provides the best fit to the data as determined by a number of goodness-of-fit tests. The Guidelines are essentially a roadmap for the process, providing recommendations and help in deciding which statistical model to attempt, and promote trialling of models and IMTs.

Integrated Risk Modelling Toolkit Manual


User manual

At the core of the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) is the development of state-of-the-art modeling capabilities and a suite of software tools that can be utilized worldwide for the assessment and communication of earthquake risk. For a more holistic assessment of the scale and consequences of earthquake impacts, a set of methods, metrics, and tools are incorporated into the GEM modelling framework to assess earthquake impact potential beyond direct physical impacts and loss of life. This is because with increased exposure of people, livelihoods, and property to earthquakes, the potential for social and economic impacts of earthquakes cannot be ignored. Not only is it vital to evaluate and benchmark the conditions within social systems that lead to adverse earthquake impacts and loss, it is equally important to measure the capacity of populations to respond to damaging events and to provide a set of metrics for priority setting and decision-making.

User guide Android mobile tool for field data collection


User manual

TheGlobalEarthquakeModel(GEM)aimstoprovideasetoftoolsandmodelsforhazardandriskanalysis. ThefundamentalaimoftheGEMInventoryDataCaptureTools(IDCT)riskglobalcomponentistoprovidea set of software and accompanying user protocols toenable users to collect andmodify buildingexposure information,whichcanbeinputintotheGlobalExposureDatabaseandtheGlobalEarthquakeConsequences Database. ThisreportformstheuserguideforIDCTAndroidInventoryDataMobileTool, whichisavailablefromGoogle Play.Itdetailstheusageofthemobiletoolforsettingupdatacapture,utilisingthemapinterface,marking surveypoints,captureofbuildingattributes,exportofsurveydataandimportofofflinemapdata.

User guide Field sampling strategies for estimating building inventories


User manual

This report offersprocedures toestimate theareadistributionofbuilding typesinacommunity througha combinationofremotesensing,localexpertise,andfieldobservations.Theresultinginventorycanbeused forprobabilisticseismicriskanalysis.Thecommunityisfirstdividedintogeographicregions(referredtohere aszones)of relativelyhomogeneoususe.Theseproceduresshowhow toestimate theareadistributionof building types for one zone. One estimates the total building area in each zone by remote-sensing proceduresthatarenotdiscussedhere,andthenmultipliesbythedistributionestimatedusingthepresent procedures.Theresultisanestimateofthebuildingareaofeachbuildingtypeineachzone.Onerepeatsthe process foreachzoneinthecommunitytocreateanestimateofthebuildingareaofeachbuildingtypein thecommunity.Foursamplingstrategiesareofferedforsamplingazonedependingonwhether(a)thezone has homogeneous building heights, (b) all important building features are visible, (c) expert advice is availableonrecognizinghiddenfeatures,and(d)apriorestimatefromexpertsonbuilding-typedistribution isavailable.

User guide Geospatial tools for building footprint and homogenous zone extraction from imagery


User manual

Thisreportdescribes the tools required toextractbuildinginformation from remotely-sensed satelliteand aerialimagery.Itprovidesastep-by-stepuserguideforasetofopen-sourcesoftwaretoolsforgenerating data for the Global Exposure Database. IDCT has proposed an expansive suite of tools for inventory and damage data collection. The opens source image processing and GIS software, Quantum GIS (QGIS) and GRASS provide the core functionality for pre-processing imagery. Algorithms for automatically extracting building footprints are provided as a plug-in toolbar to QGIS. These have evolved from the Building RECognitiontool (BREC),developedbytheUniversityofPavia,andhavebeencustomisedforuseintheIDCT suite. Protocols formodifying GIS information are also provided. For regional exposure development, and generating information for use in mapping schemes, areas of homogenous land use can be manually extracted.ThiscanalsobeachievedinQGIS,howevertheuseofGoogleEarthforgeneratingthesedataare alsodescribed.

User guide Windows tool for field data collection and management


User manual

TheaimofthisreportistoprovideguidelinesfortheuseofthedigitalWindowsMobileToolsthathavebeen designedandbuilt tocollectbuildinginventorypre- andpost-earthquakeevents.Theguideinstructsusers how toinstall the software onaWindows deviceand provides step-by-stepinstructions for collectingand managingthedatathathasbeencollected. Itisexpectedthatthefieldstaffarealreadyexpertsincollectingbuildinginventory,thereforethisguidedoes notprovidesinstructionshowtorecogniseorunderstandbuildingstructuralcomponents.
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