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Scientific Collaboration a vital element for productivity


May 21, 2020

In this story, GEM interviewed Phil Cummins of Geoscience Australia to get to know how he got started with earthquake hazard and risk modelling, his insights, perspectives on the impact of GEM on earthquake hazard model development, the importance of supporting GEM initiatives and the importance of its work especially in places in the world where earthquake risk is very much underappreciated.

Here’s an excerpt from his interview entitled: Scientific Collaboration a vital element for productivity.


“GEM impacted the way we do work at Geoscience Australia because our partnership with GEM allowed us to focus more on the quality of our data and our data analysis rather than the software development. And this really resulted in a dramatic improvement in the Australian earthquake hazard model.” - Phil Cummins


The full story is available at If you're a GEM partner and have a story to share that leverages GEM products and expert advice; or concretely showcases GEM impact or use of GEM products in your organization, email us at We would love to feature your success stories!

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