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Methods and Tools Innovation for Seismic Risk Assessment

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GEM is set to start a 3-year project called METIS or Methods and Tools Innovation for Seismic Risk Assessment funded by the European Commission. The project is part of the Safety margins determination for design basis-exceeding external hazards program. Electricite De France (EDF), a GEM technical collaborator, is coordinating the project which will be implemented in collaboration with 14 other organizations.

GEM will contribute to the task on seismic hazard assessment and on PSA Tools and Methodology. In the hazard task, GEM will implement into the OQ Engine methods such as vector-valued probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), cluster-based PSHA as well as new methods to propagate epistemic uncertainties. Research will also be carried out in the context of processing earthquake catalogues to remove aftershocks and foreshocks and on testing PSHA models. GEM’s contribution to the PSA Tools and Methodology will concentrate on testing risk results.


The objective of METIS is to translate research into practice through rigorous and efficient methodologies and tools to assess seismic safety of NPP (nuclear power plants). It also aims to innovate current practice by combining simulation with experimental data.

The research will develop methods to improve the ability to define safety limits for extremely rare events, which go beyond current design analyses (i.e. design extension for earthquakes). The refined seismic PSA (probabilistic safety assessment) is expected to provide meaningful support in defining regulations for safe design of NPP, as well as for assessing plant safety in real-time in case of temporary unavailability of relevant safety equipment or structures.


  • Edf Energy R&D UK Centre Limited - United Kingdom

  • Limited Liability Company Energorisk - Ukraine

  • Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutschesgeoforschungszentrum Gfz - Germany

  • Geodynamique Et Structure - France

  • Institut De Radioprotection Et De Surete Nucleaire - France

  • Istituto Universitario Di Studi Superiori Di Pavia - Italy

  • Lgi Consulting - France

  • National Technical University of Athens – NTUA - Greece

  • State Enterprise State Scientific and Technical Center For Nuclear And Radiation Safety - Ukraine

  • Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern - Germany

  • Univerza V Ljubljani - Slovenia

  • Geo-Research Institute - Japan

  • North Carolina State University - United States

  • The Regents of The University Of California - United States



Horizon 2020 METIS Project fact sheet

EdF and GEM METIS project collaboration from 2020 to 2024.

New Horizon 2020 project launched to develop an advanced approach for Seismic Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants

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