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Project Name

Global Seismic Risk Map

A milestone in global earthquake risk assessment


The Global Seismic Risk Map (v2023.1) poster comprises three global maps, and a ranking of the top 15 countries according to five risk metrics. The main map presents the geographic distribution of average annual loss (AAL) of the built-up area due to ground shaking in the residential, commercial and industrial building stock. It does not consider the effects of tsunamis, liquefaction, landslides, and fires following earthquakes.


These results are an update of the global maps released in 2018, as described in Silva et al. (2020) and are based on the best available and publicly accessible datasets and models, which have been collected, curated and maintained in collaboration between local experts and GEM Foundation scientists.

The underlying dataset used to create the main map can be requested as a shapefile for use in research and public-good applications without cost, or for a licensing fee in the case of commercial applications. In addition to the AAL of the built-up area depicted in the poster, the underlying dataset also includes estimates of average annual economic losses, number of buildings lost, population left homeless and fatalities.

How to cite this work

V. Silva, A. Calderon, M. Caruso, C. Costa, J. Dabbeek, M.C. Hoyos, Z. Karimzadeh, L. Martins, N. Paul, A. Rao, M. Simionato, C. Yepes-Estrada, H. Crowley, K. Jaiswal (2023). Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Seismic Risk Map (version 2023.1),

Available Versions

A PDF poster, as well as a set of high-resolution PNGs with each of the risk metrics calculated globally, is available for direct download under a CC BY-SA license.


If your use case does not meet the open license requirements, or if you are interested in obtaining the underlying dataset as a shapefile, please submit a request in our system by clicking on the "License Request", where a specific license will be provided, depending on the use case.


Additionally, users interested in the previous version of the Global Map (v2018) can access the previous poster on this link.

License information

The open version is available under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license, which requires:


*Attribution (you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made)

*ShareAlike (derivatives created must be made available under the same license as the original)


Any deviation from these terms incur in license infringement. For commercial use of the dataset, a specific license agreement must be made tailored to your use case, in such instance please click on "License Request".



CC BY-SA 4.0

Available resources

License Request

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Available Resources
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