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Site-specific hazard studies for critical facilities have been driving Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) since its inception. Throughout the years, hazard analyses at regional and national levels incorporated many procedural and methodological advancements initially used in detailed, single-site investigations.
METIS ( is an EU Horizon 2020 project. One of its main goals is to develop and improve tools and methodologies employed in seismic safety assessments of nuclear reactors and translate this research into practice for industry use.
In this workshop, we aim to combine presentations illustrating some of the main achievements of METIS, particularly on the hazard side, with expositions describing recent methodological advancements relevant to site-specific studies.
Norm Abrahamson
University of California at Berkeley
Marco Pagani
Anna Rood
Nevena Sipcic
IUSS Pavia
Paolo Bazzurro
IUSS Pavia
Marco Pilz
GFZ Potsdam
Stephane Baize
Oona Scotti
Emmanuel Viallet
Électricité de
Irmela Zentner
Électricité de
Luis Alvarez
Électricité de
Peter Stafford
Imperial College London
Adrian Rodriguez-Marek
Virginia Tech
Graeme Weatherill
GFZ Potsdam
Zeynep Gulerce
International Atomic Energy Agency
METIS Workshop on Site-Specific Seismic Hazard Assessment
November 14th and 15th, 2023
Speaker | Topic |
Zeynep Gulerce | IAEA initiatives related to seismic hazard analysis for nuclear installations |
Stephane Baize | Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard |
Oona Scotti | Fault modelling for site-specific applications |
Nevena Sipcic and Paolo Bazzurro | Time-history selection for engineering applications |
Anna Rood | Constraining Seismic Hazard using Precarious Geological Features |
Marco Pagani | Recent improvements to the hazard component of the OpenQuake Engine |
Emmanuel Viallet | Challenges in testing PSHA results |
Adrian Rodriguez-Marek | Accounting for site effects in host-to-target adjustments in PSHA |
Norm Abrahamson | Non-ergodic ground-motion modelling |
Luis Alvarez | Stochastic 3 component ground motion simulation for hazard consistent record selection |
Peter Stafford | Assessing host-region parameters for an adjustable ground-motion model through inversion |
Irmela Zentner and Guillaume Daniel (co-author) | Vector-Valued Seismic Hazard and Risk |
Graeme Weatherill | General application and considerations of PSHA testing against instrumental data |
Marco Pilz | Site-response analysis using GIT |
The workshop will be hosted at “Centro Congressi Giovanni XXVII” ( in downtown Bergamo, Italy. Bergamo is a city located northeast of Milan, with good connections either by train or plane, due to its proximity to the airport.
METIS or Methods and Tools Innovation for Seismic Risk Assessment is a project that is part of the Safety margins determination for design basis-exceeding external hazards program funded by the European Commission.
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