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RISE Project Annual Conference


Jun 6, 2022

GEM represented by John Schneider participated in the eal-time earthquake rIsk reduction for a reSilient Europe or RISE annual project conference from May 11th - 13th in Florence, Italy. RISE is a 3-year project coordinated by ETH Zurich and financed by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission involving 19 organisations from across Europe and five international partners.


The conference was the first in-person conference most participants had attended in more than two years. Coincidentally, during the conference dinner on a 5th-floor rooftop, participants experienced ground shaking from a M3.7 earthquake with an epicentre 12 km from Florence. The short, sharp shake was a clear reminder of the importance of developing earthquake alerts and protocols for response, including for small earthquakes.


Results of the research will feed into improved earthquake monitoring, alerts, short-term forecasting and communication protocols John noted that “GEM’s Openquake Engine and databases are being used extensively by project participants across many work packages, and demonstrate how GEM’s tools have become fundamental to European scientists and engineers for the development of earthquake scenarios and in forecasting or estimating earthquake impacts.”

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