The 2019 Japan-New Zealand-Taiwan Seismic Hazard Workshop
Dec 18, 2019
PSHA workshop participants, Toyako, Japan 2019
The 2019 Japan-New Zealand-Taiwan Seismic Hazard Workshop was held from November 4th - 6th in Toyako, Japan. The workshop was hosted by GEM public sponsor, NIED. GEM has been actively participating in this event since 2012.
This year, Marco Pagani, GEM Hazard Team Coordinator presented a summary of the characteristics of the global hazard maps and the mosaic and illustrated the various comparisons between the hazard models included in the mosaic to more than 80 scientists from Taiwan, Japan, Greece, USA, Singapore, Korea and New Zealand. Marco also chaired a session on Earthquake Ground Motion.
He also discussed the GEM hazard team’s work on developing a suite of tools to appraise the main characteristics of the Seismic Source and Ground-Motion characterizations (SSC and GMC, respectively).
The tools, once completed, may be used to appraise the earthquake occurrence characteristics of different earthquake source typologies used in an SSC or compare the ground motion produced by alternative ground motion models in the SSC for well-specified conditions.
Group discussions focused on five topics: PSHA and model validation (Chung-Han Chan and Matt Gerstenberger; Ground motion prediction and site amplification (Hongjun Si and Nobuyuki Morikawa); Scenarios and subduction zone modeling (Bill Fry and Yin-Tung Yen); Hazard and risk products (Toshihiro Yamada and Elizabeth Abbott); and Fault structure and deformation model (Takashi Azuma and Andy Nicol).
A summary of the meeting is available here.
About the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment workshop
The PSHA workshop is an annual event organized for the purpose of sharing research results, data, knowledge and information to mitigate risk in the Asia-Pacific region. The first workshop was held in 2012 organized by NIED Japan, and TEM Taiwan. This year the workshop is supported by GNS Science New Zealand, NIED Japan, University of Otago and University of Canterbury.
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