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METIS Summer School on Seismic Hazard Analysis


Sep 15, 2022

GEM Foundation and Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia successfully completed the METIS project seismic hazard summer school for 20 PhD students and postdocs from various parts of the world held from June 20th – 23rd in Pavia, Italy. The event was aimed at introducing the participants to the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and to recent methodologies developed in the framework of the Methods and Tools Innovation for Seismic Risk Assessment (METIS) project.

The summer school, which consisted of a series of lectures and hands-on laboratories, was organised in the context of the METIS project. GEM and IUSS jointly offered lectures on the main functionalities of the OpenQuake Engine and GEM’s tools for building components of a hazard input model, aftershock PSHA, vector-valued PSHA and the conditional spectrum approach, and time-histories selection for engineering applications.

GEM contributes to the METIS project on seismic hazard assessment and on probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) Tools and Methodology. GEM’s contribution to the PSA Tools and Methodology will concentrate on testing risk results.

The major goal of the METIS project is to propose innovations in tools and methodologies for seismic safety assessment of nuclear reactors and to develop new state-of-the-art approaches, as well as promote good practices for conducting seismic PSAs, in particular by supporting technology transfer from the research community to the industry.

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