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GEM launches its Impact Story Series project


Dec 18, 2019

Science for Social Change: pilot GEM Impact Story

GEM is proud to announce the launch of its Impact Story Series project as part of the organizational strategy to capture the successes of its project partners, collaborators and sponsors in the use of GEM tools, products and expertise.


Earthquake risk assessment remains abstract and highly technical, and there are significant risks that due to poor or limited understanding of it, policymakers and the public at large may not be able to fully take advantage of existing and future information that can either help create better or enhance existing earthquake risk reduction and management strategies, especially at the local and national level.


Specifically, the GEM Impact Story project aims to:

  • Collect and document stories where GEM and its partners have contributed to positive change
  • Encourage policy and decision makers to use science- and evidence- based information to formulate earthquake DRR strategy at the national level through positive stories of change
  • Increase awareness of the public at large on earthquake risk and preparedness


The project is expected to encourage and inspire sponsors to share their stories that leverage GEM products and expert advice; and to identify demonstrators and champions to concretely showcase GEM impact or use of GEM products. The collected stories are also envisioned to catalyze the development of a clearer, impact-oriented documentation of GEM projects and organizational activities.


In the pilot story, Science for Social Change, GEM interviewed Prof. Ana Beatriz Acevedo of EAFIT University to get to know her insights, perspectives and her work in Colombia around earthquake risk awareness, understanding and resilience. The interview also touched on how and why she got involved with GEM. To get a preview of her story, click .


The full launch of pilot story will be done early next year. This will include a photo blog, a brochure of the full text of her interview and a 3-minute video.


If you have a story to share, please contact

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