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Variable resolution probabilistic modeling of residential exposure and vulnerability for risk applications


In risk assessment, the exposure component describes the elements exposed to the natural hazards and susceptible to damage or loss, while the vulnerability component defines the likelihood to incur damage or loss conditional on a given level of hazard intensity. In this article, we propose a novel adaptive approach to exposure modeling which exploits Dirichlet-Multinomial Bayesian updating to implement the incremental assimilation of sparse in situ survey data into probabilistic models described by compositions (proportions). This methodology is complemented by the introduction of a custom spatial aggregation support based on variable-resolution Central Voronoidal Tessellations. The proposed methodology allows for a more consistent integration of empirical observations, typically from engineering surveys, into large-scale models that can also efficiently exploit expert-elicited knowledge. The resulting models are described in a probabilistic framework, and as such allow for a more thorough analysis of the underlying uncertainty. The proposed approach is applied and discussed in five countries in Central Asia.
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