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User guide Geospatial tools for building footprint and homogenous zone extraction from imagery

User manual

Thisreportdescribes the tools required toextractbuildinginformation from remotely-sensed satelliteand aerialimagery.Itprovidesastep-by-stepuserguideforasetofopen-sourcesoftwaretoolsforgenerating data for the Global Exposure Database. IDCT has proposed an expansive suite of tools for inventory and damage data collection. The opens source image processing and GIS software, Quantum GIS (QGIS) and GRASS provide the core functionality for pre-processing imagery. Algorithms for automatically extracting building footprints are provided as a plug-in toolbar to QGIS. These have evolved from the Building RECognitiontool (BREC),developedbytheUniversityofPavia,andhavebeencustomisedforuseintheIDCT suite. Protocols formodifying GIS information are also provided. For regional exposure development, and generating information for use in mapping schemes, areas of homogenous land use can be manually extracted.ThiscanalsobeachievedinQGIS,howevertheuseofGoogleEarthforgeneratingthesedataare alsodescribed.
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