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Global Exposure Database for Multi-Hazard Risk Analysis-Multi-hazard Exposure Taxonomy
A consortium comprised by the Global Earthquake Model Foundation, ImageCat Inc. and the
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has been chosen by the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction
and Recovery to develop an open exposure database for multi-hazard risk assessment, as part of the
Challenge Funds supported by the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom.
This database is capable of storing different assets, while considering relevant attributes for six natural
hazards: earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, strong winds, tsunamis and drought. The development of an
open database to characterize the built-up environment at a global scale requires a uniform
methodology to classify the elements exposed to the natural hazards. This deliverable describes a
comprehensive multi-hazard GED4ALL taxonomy capable of classifying the building stock, lifelines,
crops, livestock, forestry and socio-economic data. This taxonomy will be applied to the country of
Tanzania to develop an exposure model at the national scale, and to the city level of Dar Es Salaam to
demonstrate how an exposure dataset at a building-by-building resolution can be created. Moreover,
this process will be demonstrated for five countries around Tanzania (Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi
and Mozambique).
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