Big boost to global risk management with the launch of UNDRR GRAF
May 23, 2019

GRAF launch at GP2019 Geneva. Photo credit: Gabriela Nobre
The UNDRR successfully launched the Global Risk Assessment Framework (GRAF) during the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 (GP2019) Forum held from 13 – 17 May in Geneva, Switzerland. It is one of the key outcomes of the GP2019 multi-stakeholder Forum.
GRAF is a new international framework for developing and sharing risk information and promoting a pro-active culture of risk-informed decision-making. Its objective is to improve the understanding and management of current and future risks, at all scales, to better manage uncertainties and mobilize people, innovation and finance.
The GRAF was conceived through a 32-person expert group convened by the UNDRR, with individuals representing the science community, data providers, modellers and risk managers across public and private sectors as well as special interest groups such as youth tasked to help UNISDR develop a comprehensive approach to understanding risk and to apply risk knowledge to generate practical solutions for reducing risk and increasing resilience. Central to this challenge is to create a global collaborative framework for developing, sharing and using risk information across hazards, disciplines, and geographic scales (i.e, global to local), leveraging existing institutions and collaboration frameworks and addressing the systemic nature of risk and its cascading effects.
GRAF has four working groups, one of which is Mapping & Gap Analysis, co-chaired by GEM Secretary General, John Schneider and Governing Board Member, John Rees (British Geological Survey). The working group is providing expert advice to GRAF on understanding stakeholder needs as risk assessment information providers and users.
“The GRAF is great opportunity to bring cohesion to the risk assessment community to help national governments in support of Sendai risk indicators and targets.” said John Schneider, GEM Secretary General. He added, “GEM is proud of its contributions to the successful establishment and launching of GRAF. We will continue to support GRAF to ensure risk information is shared and promoted to build a pro-active culture of risk-informed decision-making.”
Ms. Gabriela Guimarães Nobre, Representative of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth moderated the presentation of GRAF on 16thMay to an appreciative audience with high expectations. Session speakers included Mr. David Green, Program Manager, Disaster Applications for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States of America; Dr. Renato U. Solidum Jr., Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippines; Dr. Kirsten Dunlop, Chief Executive Officer Climate-KIC; Ms. Kathy Baughman McLeod, Senior Vice President Bank of America; and Mr. Aromar Revi, Director, Indian Institute for Human Settlements; and Co-Chair, UNSDSN.
The 4th Meeting of the Expert Group will be held in November 2019 to map the Framework’s plan of action in the years ahead. If you are interested in learning more about the GRAF and how to participate, please send an email to
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GRAF meetings