GEM participates in the 2nd Scientific Seminar of the Knowledge Centre for Disaster Risk Management: Science for Policy and Operations
Jul 2, 2018
GEM participated in the 2nd Scientific Seminar of the DRMKC held from March 9-10, 2017 in Rome. This year’s theme is Science for Policy and Operations. Paul Henshaw, representing GEM presented the capabilities and latest features of the OpenQuake engine, GEM’s state-of-the-art, open source software for seismic hazard and risk modeling, to a group of interdisciplinary experts on Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation including scientists, practitioners and policy-makers at national, regional and international levels as well as first responders, and private sector representatives.
This year’s seminar aims to address the challenges for policy and science in Disaster Risk Reduction including Disaster Risk Management capabilities assessment and Sendai monitoring framework, and to draw concrete recommendations for the upcoming Global Platform that will be held in Cancun, Mexico in May.
The 2-day seminar attracted around 100 inter-disciplinary experts on disaster management, early detection, forecasting, warning and risk assessment of natural and man-made disasters, in both the fields of civil protection and humanitarian aid. The Italian Department of Civil Protection hosted the 2nd Annual Scientific Seminar from 9-10 March 2017, Rome, Italy.
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