Future directions for PSHA at local, national and transnational scales workshop
Jul 2, 2018

More than 160 leading experts on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) from around the globe participated in the PSHA Workshop held at Lenzburg, Switzerland from September 5th-7th, featuring presentations and posters on practical aspects and currently developing issues on the PSHA process. Discussions revolved around time-dependent analysis, source model validation, and site-specific PSHA within the framework of new engineering requirements and communication of hazard results to both scientific and non-scientific communities. The workshop also provided the chance for the PSHA community to interact and share information about ongoing and future research projects, which were discussed in specific thematic meetings. Marco Pagani, Hazard Coordinator, and Valerio Poggi, Senior Hazard Scientist, attended the meeting on behalf of GEM. Marco, a keynote speaker, also presented ‘Exploring GEM’s Global Mosaic of Hazard Models: Hints for Regional Hazard Modelling’ as an input to this year’s theme: PSHA - Future directions for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment at local, national and transnational scales. The participants received the presentation with much interest sparking a passionate scientific debate on the use and treatment of epistemic uncertainty in regional models, which appears to still be a controversial issue within the community. Though the use and treatment of epistemic uncertainty in regional models was a hotly discussed topic, GEM’s OpenQuake engine received overwhelming positive feedback from the participants. Many of the studies presented by the keynote speakers and posters used the OpenQuake engine.
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