GEM Governing Board and Secretariat, Pavia, Italy, December 2019
European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk workshop
The main aim of the workshop was to obtain feedback on the ESHM20 model, such that it can be updated and released in April 2020. Marco Pagani and Kendra Johnson of the GEM Hazard Team participated in the workshop held in October, in Pavia, Italy.
Accelerating Global science In Tsunami Hazard and Risk analysis meeting in Malta
The purpose of the kick-off meeting was to set the stage for probabilistic hazard and risk analysis methods and current state-of-the-art. Invited experts introduced the different aspects of PTHA and PTRA. Kendra Johnson of the GEM Hazard Team participated in the meeting held in October, in Valletta, Malta.
EAFIT workshop
A half day workshop was organized by GEM for the visiting EAFIT University engineering students in October at the GEM Headquarters in Pavia, Italy. The purpose of the workshop was to learn more about GEM’ work in the disaster risk reduction space and to introduce the students to various GEM tools such as the OpenQuake suite.
OpenQuake: UABC Tijuana, Mexico
Multiple meetings were organized with researchers from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), lead by Prof. Mario Gonzales. Presentations of the GEM Foundation activities and potential collaborative projects were held with Tijuana's Town Hall members, the representatives of the university, and with a wide audience of students. In addition, as part of the volunteering EERI San Diego Chapter initiative for the binational Earthquake Scenario Risk Assessment in the San Diego-Tijuana area, two days of customized OpenQuake training for the Tijuana's working group was organised at the UABC. Significant progress was observed, and future collaboration are envisaged with the university as part of the TREQ project.
VOBP Mexico
The Volcano Observatory Best Practices meeting was organised by the CENAPRED, USGS, VDAP, and IGV in Mexico City. Representatives from more than 25 countries attended the meeting, in which GEM had the opportunity to present the work done in the OpenQuake engine for earthquakes and volcanoes risk assessment.
GRAF Expert Group Meeting
The purpose of the GRAF Expert Group is to provide guidance and direction in the development of the Global Risk Assessment Framework of the UNDRR. The 4th Meeting of the Expert Group was held in November 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. John Schneider, GEM Secretary General participated in the meeting. John also co-chairs the working group on Mapping & Gap Analysis. Murray Journeay, NRCan,also attended the meeting as a guest to present NRCan’s approach to developing risk indicators targeted at various stakeholder groups to inform DRR activities and Sendai Framework DRR reporting.
American Geosciences Union (AGU) Fall Conference
The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest international Earth and space science meeting in the world. The purpose of this year’s meeting is to discuss the rapid developments in geoscience, new approaches to observing Earth and beyond, the introduction of new data streams, growing demand for accessible science, the expansion of convergent science, and more. John Schneider and Kendra Johnson participated in the meeting this December in San Francisco, USA.
IAStructE Performance Based Earthquake Engineering Seminar
Anirudh Rao from the GEM Risk team delivered a keynote presentation on GEM’s earthquake risk model for India at an international seminar on performance based earthquake engineering in New Delhi on 9th November 2019. Anirudh was invited to speak at the seminar by the Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE), which organized the event.
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