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Hazard Information Profiles Launched


Dec 13, 2021

This new supplement to the UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition & Classification Review – Technical Report provides hazard information profiles (HIPs) for 302 hazards of concern for disaster risk reduction efforts. The report and accompanying HIPs are the result of the collaboration of hundreds of scientists globally. GEM hazard scientists Kendra Johnson, Richard Styron and Robin Gee provided the HIPs for earthquakes and associated or triggered hazards, and John Schneider participated in the working group that produced the 2020 report on the “Hazard Definition & Classification Review: Technical Review.

The supplement is the first ever compilation of definitions of over 300 hazards that are relevant to the 2015 United Nations landmark agreements of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

This compilation of existing information provides a starting point for bringing together information on hazards that will need to be regularly reviewed and updated by the relevant international institutions in partnership with the scientific community in order to build an information ecosystem better suited to the risks of today and tomorrow.

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