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What role will GEM play as the risk landscape and associated demand evolve between now and 2030?


Dec 13, 2021

A world that is resilient to earthquakes and other natural hazards will continue to be GEM’s vision over the next decade. The mission to 2030 also calls for GEM to become a global leader in the integrated, multi-hazard risk assessment and resilience planning domain.

GEM’s strategy and roadmap to 2030 is underpinned by the global drivers for disaster risk reduction and sustainability - namely the Sendai Framework, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the Sustainable Development Goals – and by its four core values: openness, collaboration, public good and credibility. GEM’s approach is further placed in the context of the evolution of the science and technology of risk modelling and user needs to address systemic and cascading risks for multi-hazards.

GEM plans to maintain its global leadership in earthquake hazard and risk assessment, while at the same time leveraging its broader capabilities, such as in exposure modelling, into partnerships addressing the effects of climate change. GEM will also leverage its public-private partnership approach and collaboration network to support the development of risk solutions and improve resilience including through insurance/risk financing, as well as risk mitigation and reduction through urban planning and building regulation.

Watch this space for more updates in early 2022.

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