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GEM announces new partnerships and projects in the second half of 2019


Jul 31, 2019

GEM is proud to announce it’s new partnerships with the private sector in the second half of 2019: Swiss Re, Guy Carpenter and EdF/CEA.


Swiss Re has joined the GEM family as an Advisor. Swiss Re first supported GEM through Swiss Re Foundation by funding the South America Risk Assessment (SARA) Project, which focused on assessing earthquake hazard and risks to the Andean Mountains Region of the South American continent. The SARA Project was implemented from 2013 - 2015, resulting in improved understanding of earthquake risk and a wide range of collaborations with academic institutions, governments and the private sector in the region, particularly in Colombia, Ecuador and Chile. Swiss Re has also collaborated with GEM in the past year to evaluate the use of GEM hazard and risk models for reinsurance applications. The new sponsorship signals a longer term commitment to the use of GEM software tools, data and models as part of their in-house modelling capability.


Guy Carpenter, a world leader in reinsurance broking, strategic advisory services, and analytics, has also joined GEM as an Advisor for the next three years. Guy Carpenter will use GEM’s OpenQuake software, tools and data as part of their in-house earthquake modelling and evaluation capability. They will also work with GEM to promote and disseminate the use of GEM products to their clients globally.


A project with Électricité de France (EDF), a nuclear electric power generation company and France’s Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) will start in the second half of 2019. GEM will collaborate with the two agencies and provide OpenQuake tools and advice on earthquake hazard assessment to the nuclear energy development sector in France. EdF and CEA are using OpenQuake for research into earthquake hazard assessment for nuclear power plant design and safety assessment.

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