GEM partners with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team to map the city of San Jose, Costa Rica for multi-hazard risk assessment
Jul 2, 2018

More than 30 students and interested parties participated in the mapathon workshop facilitated by the University of Costa Rica (UCR) on the 29th of May to help digitise building footprints for 17 districts of the capital of San Jose, Costa Rica using OpenStreetMap tools. “It is fantastic to see so many participants with different background coming up together to do something that will benefit the entire community.
These results can help understand the drivers of seismic risk in the city, but are also useful for other hazards such as floods or volcanoes” Vitor Silva, GEM Seismic Risk Coordinator. The event is part of a larger collaboration between the Global Earthquake Model (GEM), the University of Costa Rica and USAID, to support the development of a digital map of San Jose, Costa Rica.
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