GEM case studies on risk analytics capacity and seismic hazard assessment featured in milestone IDF report
Nov 25, 2020
The released by the Insurance Development Forum on October 20th highlights many aspects of GEM’s work including in Chapter 4: “Benefits of building local risk analytics capacity”. GEM contributed two case studies - Building local risk understanding in South America (Case Study 2) and Armenia Seismic Hazard Assessment (Case Study 4). The case studies demonstrated open sharing of research and transparent communication which are essential to developing trust and local ownership; and clear methodology linking to international standards and best practice.
“This report builds the case for collaboration to build capacity in vulnerable countries for risk analytics by openly sharing models, tools and data through partnerships between public and private sectors, between international and local experts, and between data/model providers and users. This approach is essential to building the trust necessary for local ownership of risk information and ensuring its use to reduce risk and save lives,” John Schneider, GEM Secretary General.
The report also has several important mentions of GEM and its collaborators, and contains a number of messages supporting the collaborative, open approach to hazard and risk assessment that GEM has been a leader in for the past decade. It also featured images from GEM such as the OpenQuake training workshop in Medellin in 2017, and the 2-page spread (p. 54-55) of the 3D GEM map of exposure and hazard in Asia, presented as a poster in the Global Earthquake Hazard and Risk Model launch.
The report is endorsed by the insurance industry through the IDF and the UN through UNDP and UNDRR. To get a copy of the report, visit .
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