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With GEM’s OpenQuake platform, EAFIT experts measure seismic risks and suggest measures for their reduction


Jul 2, 2018

The OpenQuake training, facilitated by GEM, was held in Medellin, Colombia from June 6-7. The event composed of a seminar and training, provided a venue for updating and discussing recent advances in seismic risk assessment and its applications in decision making, seeking to improve resilience to earthquakes.


Several exhibitors presented advances related to seismic risk and its evaluation in Colombia during the seminar, which was primarily aimed at the leaders of the different sectors related to risk: government entities, private sector and engineering guilds. GEM seismic risk engineers trained EAFIT experts in integrated assessment of seismic risk using OpenQuake.


Participants experienced first hand exploring the databases and tools developed by GEM to assess seismic risk, and learned to carry out step-by-step assessment of seismic risk in specific scenarios or probabilistic analysis.

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