During this period, GEM scientists have also participated in various international virtual conferences and events on loss models, earthquake risk assessment, and global challenges in earthquake risk and catastrophe modelling.
-TREQ project Online OpenQuake engine training
More than 80 participants from around the world registered for the online training course which was held on May 6th, 13th, 20th and June 3rd 2022. The course was designed for an audience with a diverse background and expertise and covers the main concepts of earthquake risk assessment, along with the basic features of the OpenQuake Engine.
-Comprehensive Multi hazard Risk Assessment in Malawi project
GEM will be working soon with a World Bank project led by Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale (CIMA, Italy) and co-partners Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) and British Geological Survey (BGS) to provide technical services to fill a gap in Malawi’s national level disaster risk (multi-hazard) risk assessment.
-Palestine - preliminary multi-hazard risk map portal delivered
GEM has completed a preliminary map portal for multi-hazard risk assessment of Palestine. The project, funded by Palestine’s Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), is being implemented together with the University of Palestine.
-GEM commercial models presented at Reinsurance Association of America (RAA): Cat Risk Management 2022 event by Nasdaq
Nasdaq, a GEM distribution partner presented GEM’s commercial earthquake models for Colombia, South Africa and China at the RAA cat risk management event held in Orlando, Florida, USA from May 23rd - May 26th. This year’s Cat Risk Management 2022 discussed insights on how best to position companies and assist clients to stay ahead of a rapidly changing global risk environment.
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