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  • TURKEY DRR | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects TURKEY DRR Seismic risk and exposure data for Turkey Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Anchor 1 Background The World Bank is developing a thematic Paper on Building Climate and Disaster Resilience in Turkey that will apply a new World Bank Guidance Note on how to prepare resilience and adaptation strategies. The Guidance Note provides a practical guide for designing national strategies for climate change adaptation and resilience. It specifies actions that reflect universal principles of effective climate change adaptation and disaster resilience, emphasizing that each country needs to tailor the relative importance and sequencing of these actions to its specific needs and priorities. Given the best practice of mitigating natural hazards for a more resilient future, and the high risk of catastrophic earthquakes, the adaptation paper needs to consider seismic risk in Turkey. To contribute to the seismic risk component of this adaptation paper, the GEM Risk Team is responsible for the following tasks: - Assessment of earthquake ground shaking hazard in Turkey - Definition of the exposure: residential, commercial and industrial buildings; education and healthcare facilities; population - Assessment of vulnerability/fragility for the exposed elements - Risk modelling based on the current exposure - Risk projections to 2030 and 2050 (based on future socio-economic conditions) Duration: 2021 Objectives The World Bank thematic Paper on Building Climate and Disaster Resilience in Turkey aims to support the Turkish government by providing guidance on how to prepare resilience and adaptation strategies, including those related to earthquakes. The objectives of this project are to: 1. Provide deterministic and probabilistic seismic risk metrics in Turkey for population and selected structure types, to inform macro-economic and public finance analysis (conducted by the World Bank project team). 2. Provide seismic impact analysis for three earthquake scenarios aimed at reducing risk in Turkey to estimate the impact of these interventions on i) loss due to direct damage and ii) fatalities. Collaborators GEM Foundation Funding partner: World Bank Group Location Turkey

  • MALAWI MULTI-HAZARD | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects MALAWI MULTI-HAZARD Comprehensive Multi hazard Risk Assessment in Malawi Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Outcomes Training Outreach Photos Publications Anchor 1 Background Malawi is a country strongly affected by the impact of extreme events, exacerbated by rapid population growth and urbanisation. A multi-risk assessment is currently lacking at the national level, while it is available only at the local level in some districts. Therefore, the project consortium intends to produce, for the first time, hazard and risk maps on a national level with a level of detail useful also at provincial level, using a probabilistic risk assessment approach, both for single hazards and for multi-hazard conditions (i.e. extreme winds and precipitation, earthquakes, landslides, river floods). The GEM Risk Team is reponsible for the seismic risk assessment, comprising the modelling of the hazard, exposure and vulnerability components and the calculations of seismic risk in the OpenQuake engine. Duration: 2023-2024 Objectives In line with the guidelines of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the multi-hazard probabilistic assessment carried out within the project provides risk estimates for both the most probable and frequent events, as well as for rare ones; at the same time, it allows for the analysis of events that have never been observed but may occur in the future, which is of particular importance considering the uncertainty caused by climate change. The assessment will therefore consider risks under current climate conditions as well as future conditions (2050-2100) under different climate change scenarios. For the realisation of the multi-risk assessment, the project partners will work closely with local stakeholders at all stages of the development, from data collection to the creation of the Risk Atlas and the Risk Information Web Platform, two tools that will collect information from the assessment and will make it easier to communicate and understand, thus following a capacity development approach that combines knowledge development with knowledge transfer. In addition, the partners will develop, again in collaboration with local stakeholders, a sustainability plan containing recommendations for maintaining and updating risk information, supporting the management, updating and accessibility of Malawi’s risk information by national and local authorities. Collaborators GEM Foundation, Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale (CIMA), Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), British Geological Survey (BGS) Funding partner: World Bank Group Location Malawi Aiming to empower Malawi with a comprehensive understanding of disaster risks, the project will deliver the following key outputs: Comprehensive Hazard Identification and Assessment: A national-level assessment of various hazards in Malawi, including floods, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, and strong winds. Exposure Mapping: Creation of maps outlining the extent to which people, infrastructure, buildings, and agriculture are exposed to each hazard. Vulnerability Assessment: Evaluation of the physical (infrastructure, buildings) and social (poverty, access to resources) vulnerabilities of Malawian communities to these hazards. National Hazard and Risk Profiles: Development of comprehensive national profiles that detail the hazards, their potential impacts, and the level of risk faced by different regions and communities. Knowledge and Technology Transfer: Training and capacity building for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practitioners and academic institutions in Malawi on using the multi-hazard risk assessment data and tools. Platform deployment, knowledge transfer, maintenance and ownership This project builds a long-term plan for Malawian experts to manage the multi-hazard risk atlas database. Through trainings and knowledge transfer, local technicians will become self-sufficient in maintaining the system and training future users. This ensures the platform's sustainability and empowers Malawian authorities to fully utilize the risk information for informed decision-making. a. Hands-on training on the Risk Atlas Database Training of the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) ICT team to install and utilise the Risk Atlas Database held in Salima, Malawi, from June 3-7, 2024. b. Exposure and Vulnerability Data The exposure and vulnerability work was delivered to the client and presented in a dedicated training session in November 2023. GEM Contributes to Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment Progress in Malawi The Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation actively participated in a Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment workshop held in Salima, Malawi, from June 3-7, 2024. This collaborative effort involved the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) as the host, alongside the International Centre for Environmental Monitoring (CIMA Research Foundation), Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), and the British Geological Survey (BGS). Read more BUSINESS NEWS Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment workshop held in Salima, Malawi, from June 3-7, 2024 1/6

  • PERU PUBLIC SCHOOLS | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects PERU PUBLIC SCHOOLS Development of an Insurance Program for Peru’s Public Schools Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Anchor 1 Background The project aims to protect more than 50,000 public schools in Peru against the impact of natural hazards, and to improve continuity for children’s education by accelerating reconstruction and strengthening the country’s resilience through an innovative insurance programme. The GEM Hazard and Risk Teams are contributing to the design of the insurance programme with expertise in the earthquake hazard and risk modelling of school buildings in Peru. For more information, visit Duration: 2020 - 2024 Objectives The main objective of this project is to design an insurance programme for Peru’s public schools. The project will provide the Government of Peru with options to cover all or a subset of its more than 50,000 public schools against the impact of natural hazards thus accelerating reconstruction, while also strengthening the country’s resilience. Collaborators GEM Foundation, AXA XL, Munich Re, Peruvian Association of Insurance Companies (APESEG), JBA Risk Management, InsurTech Picsure. Funding partner: Germany’s InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) Location Peru

  • CAYMAN ISLANDS PSHA | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects CAYMAN ISLANDS PSHA Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Cayman Islands Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Anchor 1 Background Thr project aims to perform a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Cayman Islands, and provide the seismic input necessary for the International Building Code (IBC). The GEM Hazard Team is responsible for the seismotectonic and geodynamic characterisation of the study area, the definition of distributed seismicity and fault sources, and the modelling of the epistemic uncertainties. Duration: 2020 Objectives The main objective is to provide input to the 2016 Cayman Islands Building Code, to support engineers in the seismic design and assessment of structures. Collaborators GEM Foundation, EUCENTRE Foundation Funding partner: Cayman Islands Government Location Cayman Islands

  • EU DRR | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects EU DRR Regional risk modelling and scenario analysis for EU Member States - Seismic risk analysis and exposure data Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Anchor 1 Background This project supports the World Bank Technical Assistance project "Economic Analysis of Prevention and Preparedness in European Union Member States and Countries under EU Civil Protection Mechanism". The GEM Risk Team provides exposure and probabilistic seismic risk assessments for the 27 EU member states and 6 participating states, building upon the EFEHR ESHM20 hazard and ESRM20 exposure datasets [insert link ], adding educational and healthcare building stock, and forecasting exposure to 2050. Further, retrofitted vulnerability curves are derived to inform the seismic impact analyses and a cost-benefit analysis. Duration: 2020-2021 Objectives The project is conducted in collaboration with the European Commission’s (EC) Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO). The objectives of this project are to: 1. Provide regionally-consistent probabilistic seismic risk metrics across Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) countries for population and selected structure types, to inform macro-economic analysis that is to be conducted by the World Bank project team. 2. Provide seismic impact analysis for two selected earthquake scenarios with and without specified DRM intervention, to estimate the impact of that intervention on i) loss due to direct damage and ii) fatalities. This will contribute to cost-benefit analysis of EU-funded DRM investments conducted by the WB project team using the Triple-Dividend framework. Collaborators GEM Foundation Funding partner: World Bank Group Locations EU Member States

  • METIS | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects METIS Methods and Tools Innovation for Seismic Risk Assessment Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Outcomes Training Outreach Photos Publications Anchor 1 Background GEM is set to start a 3-year project called METIS or Methods and Tools Innovation for Seismic Risk Assessment funded by the European Commission. The project is part of the Safety margins determination for design basis-exceeding external hazards program. Electricite De France (EDF), a GEM technical collaborator, is coordinating the project which will be implemented in collaboration with 14 other organizations. GEM will contribute to the task on seismic hazard assessment and on PSA Tools and Methodology. In the hazard task, GEM will implement into the OQ Engine methods such as vector-valued probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), cluster-based PSHA as well as new methods to propagate epistemic uncertainties. Research will also be carried out in the context of processing earthquake catalogues to remove aftershocks and foreshocks and on testing PSHA models. GEM’s contribution to the PSA Tools and Methodology will concentrate on testing risk results. Objectives The objective of METIS is to translate research into practice through rigorous and efficient methodologies and tools to assess seismic safety of NPP (nuclear power plants). It also aims to innovate current practice by combining simulation with experimental data. The research will develop methods to improve the ability to define safety limits for extremely rare events, which go beyond current design analyses (i.e. design extension for earthquakes). The refined seismic PSA (probabilistic safety assessment) is expected to provide meaningful support in defining regulations for safe design of NPP, as well as for assessing plant safety in real-time in case of temporary unavailability of relevant safety equipment or structures. Collaborators Edf Energy R&D UK Centre Limited - United Kingdom Limited Liability Company Energorisk - Ukraine Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutschesgeoforschungszentrum Gfz - Germany Geodynamique Et Structure - France Institut De Radioprotection Et De Surete Nucleaire - France Istituto Universitario Di Studi Superiori Di Pavia - Italy Lgi Consulting - France National Technical University of Athens – NTUA - Greece State Enterprise State Scientific and Technical Center For Nuclear And Radiation Safety - Ukraine Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern - Germany Univerza V Ljubljani - Slovenia Geo-Research Institute - Japan North Carolina State University - United States The Regents of The University Of California - United States Location Europe Horizon 2020 METIS Project fact sheet EdF and GEM METIS project collaboration from 2020 to 2024. New Horizon 2020 project launched to develop an advanced approach for Seismic Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants

  • BEYOND BUTTON PUSHING | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects BEYOND BUTTON PUSHING Earthquake Risk Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis for California Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Anchor 1 Background The goal of the project was to show how important the quantification of uncertainty is in estimating and understanding California’s earthquake risk using OpenQuake - GEM Foundation’s state-of-the-art open source earthquake hazard and risk assessment software. With OpenQuake’s plug-and-play capabilities, expert users can individually select or substitute every model component, data, and assumption. This feature will help model users and decision makers to: 1) ‘ask the right questions’ when evaluating model results; 2) better interpret risk assessment results and gain trust in model results; and 3) make better risk management decisions. Duration: 2015-2017 Objectives The main objectives of this project are to: Establish representative sets of exposure: ‣ for the San Francisco Bay Area; ‣ for the Southern California region affected by the Shakeout Scenario Choose specific results (risk metrics) to use as a basis for comparison. Produce ‘baseline’ results from OpenQuake, using a ‘control’ set of assumptions. Undertake a thorough sensitivity analysis for the risk estimates for California based on the UCERF3 model by running OpenQuake multiple times, each time varying one assumption or parameter, such as: ‣ earthquake probabilities (controlled by assumptions about fault geometries, slip rates, maximum magnitudes); ‣ ground motion model selection; ‣ vulnerability functions; ‣ site conditions; and ‣ statistical treatment of uncertainty and correlation Beyond the aims stated at the outset of the project as listed above, several additional objectives were achieved during the course of the project, including the following: Implement within OpenQuake the latest seismic hazard model for California based on the recently published Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast version 3 (UCERF3), produced by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities. Calculate the average annual loss estimates for all 8,057 census tracts in California, using the seismic hazard model based on UCERF3. Establish the range (distribution) of scientifically viable results for the chosen risk metrics by accounting for the various uncertainties in the hazard model. Identify the components of the hazard model contributing most to the overall uncertainty in the risk metrics for the different exposure portfolios. Implement a model simplification (‘logic-tree trimming’) software tool to reduce the number of computer runs and greatly speed up the time required for running the risk model for California. Collaborators GEM Foundation Funding partner: Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission (SSC) Location California, United States

  • TREAD | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects TREAD daTa and pRocesses in sEismic hAzarD Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Overview Anchor 1 Background GEM is one of the partners of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) funded TREAD project, which involves a consortium of 14 academic institutions and 8 private partners of the highest scientific level from 7 European countries. TREAD will train a new generation of seismic hazard scientists to tackle the challenges of earthquake forecasting in complex tectonic contexts such as the Europe and Mediterranean regions. During the 4 year project GEM will host and supervise two PhD students, one working with the hazard team and the other with the risk team, on the following topics: 1. Modelling distributed seismicity under innovative approaches (under joint supervision with the University of Milano, Bicocca, 2. Assessment of the impact of advanced seismic hazard modelling approaches on earthquake risk (under joint supervision with the University of Chieti-Pescara) More information at . Duration: 2023-2027 Objectives The aim of TREAD is to train a new generation of seismic hazard scientists to tackle the challenges of earthquake forecasting in complex tectonic contexts such as the Europe and Mediterranean regions. A change of paradigm in seismic hazard is necessary to be able to fully account for the specific properties of earthquake source and seismic modes in those areas. For example, to calculate the probability of having multiple earthquake ruptures, the interaction between active faults across various space-time scales needs to be accounted for, as well as the effects of stress transfer and fault-fluid interaction in earthquake triggering. TREAD objectives are: 1) Developing a novel integrative approach to seismic hazard analysis in Europe and the Mediterranean by bridging the gap from small-scale laboratory experiments to large-scale observations. 2) Establishing physics-based earthquake modelling by linking computational modelling of earthquakes from millions of years to fractions of a second. 3) Transferring earthquake geology and computational modelling to hazard and risk assessment adapted to the needs of government, industry and scientific stakeholders. Collaborators University of Chieti-Pescara, CNRS, University of Utrecht, GEM Foundation, University of Grenoble Alps, Ludwig Maximilians University, University of Barcelona, University of Padova, ETH Zurich, IRSN, OGS, INGV, Ruhr University Bochum, IPGP, Helmholz Centre, Willis, IFP, EDF, University of Milan Bicocca, Munich Re, TNO, Tre Altamira, University D'Aix Marseille Funding partner: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), European Commission Location Pavia, Italy

  • Proyecto TREQ | Global Earthquake Model Foundation

    Projects Proyecto TREQ Comunicación y Formación en la Evaluación de Riesgos por Terremotos (TREQ) Versión en español English version Share Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Visión general Resultados Capacitación Comunicación Fotos Publicaciones Anchor 1 Resumen El Proyecto de Capacitación y Comunicación para la Evaluación de Riesgos de Terremotos (TREQ) fue diseñado para demostrar cómo la evaluación de la amenaza y el riesgo sísmico puede informar a los tomadores de decisiones en el desarrollo de políticas de reducción de riesgos, así como también cómo se puede comunicar adecuadamente el riesgo de terremotos a las partes interesadas y al público en general. [PDF Executive Summary English ] Objetivos El proyecto se organizó en dos partes principales. El primero tuvo como objetivo desarrollar la capacidad para la evaluación de la amenaza y el riesgo sísmico a nivel urbano en América Latina, Quito (Ecuador), Cali (Colombia) y Santiago de los Caballeros (República Dominicana); mientras que la segunda parte fue desarrollar material de capacitación, educación y comunicación para mejorar la comprensión del riesgo de terremotos en todo el mundo. El programa se diseñó para un amplio espectro de partes interesadas, categorizadas en cuatro grupos principales: gobierno(tomadores de decisiones/autoridades públicas), industria (practicantes y profesionales), academia (investigadores y profesores) y la comunidad. Ecuador Municipalidad de Quito Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) Instituto Geofísico (IG) Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles de Pichincha (CICP) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Dominican Republic Servicio Geológico Nacional (SGN) Oficina Nacional de Evaluación Sísmica y Vulnerabilidad de Infraestructuras y Edificaciones (ONESVIE) Comité Técnico Nacional (CTN) Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) Colombia Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) Departamento Administrativo de Planeación Municipal (DAPM), Cali Unidad Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (UNGRD) Universidad EAFIT, Medellin Costa Rica Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Mexico Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) Ubicación Quito (Ecuador), Cali (Colombia) y Santiago de los Caballeros (República Dominicana) Evaluación del riesgo urbano en América Latina y el Caribe En este componente se generaron los siguientes entregables: evaluación de amenaza y riesgo sísmico a escala urbana para las tres ciudades TREQ: Quito (Ecuador), Cali (Colombia) y Santiago de los Caballeros (República Dominicana). Se desarrollaron modelos de vanguardia para cada ciudad en estrecha colaboración con socios locales. Los modelos de entrada y los resultados están disponibles en la siguiente dirección URL: [ ] a. Informes de la ciudad Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico para el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito [Español ] Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico para Santiago de Cali [Español ] Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico para Santiago de los Caballeros [Español ] b. Evaluación de peligros sísmicos Modelos probabilísticos de amenaza sísmica (PSHA) y conjuntos de datos para la evaluación de la amenaza a nivel urbano [PDF English ] Modelo Probabilístico de Amenaza Sísmica para la República Dominicana [PDF English | Español ] [Descargar Modelo ] Resultados de amenaza sísmica (condiciones en roca y en suelo [PDF English ] Análisis de la amenaza sísmica a escala urbana [PDF English ] c. Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico Resumen ejecutivo sobre la evaluación del riesgo sísmico urbano para las ciudades de Quito, Cali y Santiago de los Caballeros [PDF English ] Tipologías constructivas en Quito, Cali and Santiago de los Caballeros [PDF Español ] Base de datos de exposición georreferenciada de población y edificios en cada ciudad de TREQ [Cali ] [Quito ] [Santiago ] Base de datos de funciones de fragilidad y vulnerabilidad para cada clase de edificio presente en el modelo de exposición [Datos ] Mapas y métricas de riesgo para cada ciudad [Cali ] [Quito ] [Santiago ] d. Escenarios de la ciudad Base de datos con rupturas seleccionadas para análisis de escenarios [Cali ] [Quito ] [Santiago ] Evaluación del escenarios de amenaza para sismos representativos en Quito, Cali y Santiago de los Caballeros [PDF English ] e. Aplicaciones Urbanas Deslizamientos y licuefacción inducidos por sismo en Cali [PDF English ] Mejora de la comprensión mundial sobre la amenaza y riesgo sísmico Esta parte del programa fue diseñada para mejorar la comprensión y el conocimiento de la amenaza y el riesgo sísmico, y para ayudar a cerrar la brecha entre la información producida en estudios detallados de amenaza y riesgo y su comunicación a una amplia variedad de partes interesadas (que van desde locales expertos con competencias para evaluar el riesgo sísmico, a los tomadores de decisiones responsables de la implementación de medidas de reducción del riesgo). a. Sitio web para la capacitación en línea de OpenQuake La capacitación en línea de OpenQuake se diseñó para diferentes tipos de audiencia con diversos antecedentes y experiencia. A través de esta plataforma, los participantes interactuaron con los equipos científicos y técnicos del GEM para conocer los principales conceptos de la evaluación del riesgo sísmico, así como las características básicas del software de OpenQuake. [English | Español ] b. Manual de OpenQuake en formato online El manual oficial se convirtió de látex al formato reStructuredText gracias al apoyo de @USAID. El nuevo manual está ahora en línea en formato HTML y se puede accederse en: [Webpage English ] c. Tutoriales en video sobre peligros sísmicos y análisis de riesgos usando OpenQuake El proyecto ha producido 15 videos de capacitación técnica utilizando el software de OpenQuake (en inglés y español), 7 videos con material para difundir los modelos y resultados de la evaluación del riesgo urbano en las ciudades TREQ y 2 videos para comunicar el riesgo sísmico al público en general. público. OQ Engine Video Tutorials [ English | Español ] d. Manual para realizar análisis de amenaza sísmica Este manual presenta los conceptos básicos de la metodología clásica de PSHA y el amplio espectro de alternativas para modelar la sismicidad y las incertidumbres (epistémicas y aleatorias) en el software de OpenQuake. La evaluación probabilística del peligro sísmico (PSHA) es la metodología principal para evaluar el peligro potencial que representan los terremotos. Los mapas de amenaza se utilizan ampliamente en los códigos sísmicos nacionales para la zonificación de la amenaza sísmica y las disposiciones de diseño estructural. [PDF English ] e. Capacitando a educadores TREQ ha colaborado con cinco profesores universitarios de América Latina para conceptualizar, crear e implementar un curso unificado para el estudio del riesgo sísmico a nivel universitario. Los folletos en inglés y español explican con más detalle el concepto detrás de esta iniciativa y describen los primeros resultados y experiencias de los profesores de Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala y México. [PDF English | Español ] Comunicación y sensibilización sobre terremotos Las actividades de este componente se centraron en sensibilizar al público sobre la amenaza y el riesgo sísmico mediante la capacitación de un grupo diverso de profesionales en reducción del riesgo de desastres (RRD), junto con el personal a cargo de comunicar los riesgos al público, y mediante la realización de talleres comunitarios en áreas seleccionadas de las ciudades piloto. Artículos de noticias Eventos El seminario web Comprensión del riesgo sísmico a través del desarrollo de capacidades y el intercambio de conocimientos atrae a cientos de participantes de todo el mundo. [Article ] [Event page English | Español ] [Video ] Presentación del modelo PSHA nacional para la República Dominicana: un seminario web conjunto organizado por el Servicio Geológico Nacional Dominicano en cooperación con GEM, Oficina Nacional de Evaluación Sísmica y Vulnerabilidad de Infraestructura y la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID. [Event flyer Español ] [Video English | Español ] ---- Artículos Raising Earthquake Risk Awareness: TREQ’s community workshops for the general public Urban hazard assessment of selected cities in Latin America Local solutions to global problems: reducing disaster risk through collaboration and openness TREQ Project Updates: Site Effects Modelling and Urban Exposure Models USGS has joined the TREQ initiative for urban earthquake scenarios TREQ capacity building: OQ online training updates Jan-Feb 2021 TREQ2020 – Capacity development and OpenQuake online training, year in review TREQ OpenQuake Online Training: Earthquake Scenarios - Ground Motion Fields Sept 2020 Más en la sección GEM News a. Material didáctico para sensibilizar a la comunidad sobre el riesgo sísmico: Aplicación para el área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá (AMVA) [PDF Español ] b. Video para comunicar el riesgo de terremoto al público en general [English | Español ] c. Guía para profesores para el desarrollo de un curso introductorio de riesgo sísmico [PDF Español ] d. Perfiles de respuesta y mitigación de riesgos urbanos para las ciudades TREQ [Cali ] [Quito ] [Santiago ] Boletin informativo El boletín del proyecto TREQ tiene la intención de compartir actividades en evaluación de riesgos urbanos y materiales de capacitación y educación sobre riesgos de terremotos con una amplia gama de partes interesadas locales de la academia, los sectores público y privado, así como la sociedad civil en América Latina,el Caribe, y más allá. Newsletter no. 3 - May 2021 Newsletter no. 2 - September 2020 Newsletter no. 1 - March 2020 Maiden issue [English ] Maiden issue [Españo ] BUSINESS NEWS Concientizando el Riesgo: talleres para el público en general 1/4 BUSINESS NEWS Inicio del proyecto de marzo de 2020 1/4 BUSINESS NEWS Fotos de la formación OpenQuake Online de noviembre de 2020 1/2 BUSINESS NEWS Reuniones en Quito 1/10 BUSINESS NEWS Reuniones en Guayaquil 1/1 Visión general TREQ Resumen Ejecutivo [English ] Evaluación de la amenaza sísmica Modelos probabilísticos de amenaza sísmica (PSHA) y conjuntos de datos para la evaluación de la amenaza a nivel urbano [English ] Modelo Probabilístico de Amenaza Sísmica para la República Dominicana [English | Español ] [Descargar Modelo ] Resultados de amenaza sísmica (condiciones en roca y en suelo [English ] Análisis de la amenaza sísmica a escala urbana [English ] Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico Resumen ejecutivo sobre la evaluación del riesgo sísmico urbano para las ciudades de Quito, Cali y Santiago de los Caballeros [English ] Tipologías constructivas en Quito, Cali and Santiago de los Caballeros [Español ] Escenarios sísmicos Evaluación del escenarios de amenaza para sismos representativos en Quito, Cali y Santiago de los Caballeros [English ] Aplicaciones urbanas Deslizamientos y licuefacción inducidos por sismo en Cali [English ] Informes de la ciudad Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico para el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito [Español ] Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico para Santiago de Cali [Español ] Evaluación de Riesgo Sísmico para Santiago de los Caballeros [Español ] Formación y comunicación del riesgo sísmico Manual de capacitación sobre análisis probabilístico de riesgos sísmicos (PSHA) [English ] Material didáctico para sensibilizar a la comunidad sobre el riesgo sísmico. Aplicación para el área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá (AMVA) [Español ] Guía para profesores para el desarrollo de un curso introductorio de riesgo sísmico [Español ] Disclaimer The contents of this project website such as studies, reports, audio-visual, news articles, blogs, and other information or media products including those in the external links are made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

  • Global Earthquake Model Foundation | Italy

    Global Earthquake Model Foundation: For a world that is resilient to earthquakes through earthquake hazard and risk assessment. Global Earthquake Model foundation For a world that is resilient to earthquakes and other natural hazards. Latest RED ALERT Earthquake: 7th January 2025 M7.1 Southern Tibetan Plateau More Details Latest Updates OpenQuake OpenQuake Engine v3.22 More Training GEM Models and OpenQuake Engine Training More Newsletter Discover GEM’s latest milestones, including highlights from our INGV presentation and more! More Available Seismic Hazard and Risk Models and Datasets By selecting a region in the global map below, a table will appear to quickly take you to the available resources in that region. You can also use the Search box to look up any specific region, country or territory. Popup title Close Country/Region North and South Korea Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Conterminous US Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Northwest Asia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Northeast Asia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Pacific Islands Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Hawaii Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Arabia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Alaska Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Sub-Saharan Africa Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile West Africa Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile North Africa Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Tuvalu Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Uganda Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Ukraine Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile United Arab Emirates Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile United Kingdom Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile United States of America Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile 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Risk Profile Samoa Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Sao Tome and Principe Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Saudi Arabia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Senegal Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Serbia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Seychelles Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Sierra Leone Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Singapore Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Slovakia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Slovenia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Solomon Islands Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Somalia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile South Africa Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile South Korea Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile South Sudan Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Spain Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Sri Lanka Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Sudan Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Suriname Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Sweden Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Switzerland Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Syria Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Taiwan Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Tajikistan Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Tanzania Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Thailand Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Timor Leste Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Togo Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Tonga Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Trinidad and Tobago Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Tunisia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Turkey Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Turkmenistan Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Turks and Caicos Islands Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Kiribati Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Kosovo Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Kuwait Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Kyrgyzstan Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Laos Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Latvia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Lebanon Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Lesotho Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Liberia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Libya Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Liechtenstein Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Lithuania Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Luxembourg Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Macao Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Madagascar Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Malawi Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Malaysia Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Mali Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Malta Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Marshall Islands Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Martinique Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Mauritania Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Risk Profile Mauritius Hazard 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